Wednesday, January 6, 2016

EROI Homework

1) We should use tar sands before we use oil shale because tar sands have a higher EROI.
2) A similarity between the processes used to get oil from tar sands and oil from oil shale is the use of heat. In the process used to get oil from oil shale, heater holes are drilled 1,000 to 2,000 feet where it then heats oil barring shale to 700 degrees. In the process used to get oil from tar sands, they are heated with steam or hot water to extract bitumen.
3) A difference between the process used to get oil from tar sands and oil shale is that the bitumen created in tar sands must be refined into usable oil, whereas in oil shale it creates crude oil, along with natural gas.
4) Off-shore drilling may be smart in the long run to reduce greenhouse gas emissions because there is a higher EROI with off-shore drilling, causing less energy to be used into refining, as seen in tar sands.
5) When doing my homework I sometimes start to get tired. I usually do my homework in bed. I have two options, go make coffee with the intentions to drink a cup to help me stay awake, or I sleep. However, going downstairs to make a pot of coffee makes me have to use my energy to get out of bed, walk all the way down stairs, empty the filter from before, put that in the trash can, put a new filter in, open the container with the coffee in it, scoop two 1/4 cups of coffee and place it in the filter, walk over to the sink to fill up the coffee pot with water, dump the water in the coffee maker, make sure the little plastic thing is in the right place, and press the button that says "start brew." Now, this causes me to have to use a lot of my energy, compared to the other option which I usually do everyday after school around 4, lay down and sleep instead of doing my homework and do it later.

1 comment:

  1. Nice description of the processes for extracting oil shale and tar sands!
