Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Biome of Pandas

Pandas live in deciduous, coniferous, and bamboo forests. They also live in mountain ranges in central-western and south-western China. Essentially this biome can be found in places common to Syracuse, NY. There are four seasons and a warm growing season. The winters are cold but mild and the summers are warm but wet. In the biome, there are trees such as; broad leaved evergreens, bamboo, and maple trees. these trees adapt to the biome because the climate cools down and warms back up. Animals commonly found in this biome are; Red Pandas, Leopards, and Bears. These animals are able to adapt because Bears, Pandas, and Red Pandas eat plants within the deciduous and coniferous forests. Leopards prey on these animals in the forests. A major problem for this biome is deforestation. Much of the forests have been impacted by urbanization and is threatening ash trees within the environment. Urbanization has also imposed a threat to all plants in that area. A way to rectify this problem is by protecting the forests from human activity, by not allowing urbanization to occur in areas of this biome. Pandas consume other organisms in the environment for energy. They consume 26 to 84 pounds of bamboo a day. Pandas live in an environment rich with plants for them to consume. Plants such as; bamboo is a primary consumer. The Pandas then consume bamboo and are also a primary consumer of bamboo. Leopards are a secondary consumer and prey off of Pandas. Bengal Tigers are a tertiary consumer and prey on Leopards. Giant Pandas compete with other Bears and Red Pandas along with other animals in their environment. They compete for territory since China is so highly populated and there is very limited land for these animals. Since they compete for territory, they also compete for food in that territory. 

Works sited:
"Giant Panda." EndangeredSpeciesBiomesProjects -. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2015.
"Giant Panda Bear." (Ailuropoda Melanoleuca). N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2015.
"Giant Panda." Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2015.
"Giant Panda." World Wildlife Fund, n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2015.


  1. Complete. You have accomplished all aspects of the task. You say that the Panda's biome is similar to Syracuse, but then you say it's biome has mild winters. Did you mean something else when you said " places common to Syracuse, NY"?

  2. When I said places like Syracuse, I meant it in the way that we have seasons. So places such as; California, would not fit this biome.
